ASME Basic Block

ASME Basic Block

PER: ASME SEC V Articles 4 Fig. T-434.2.1; Article 5 Fig. T-534.2.1 (Previously designated Fig. T-542.2.1. Article 5 was revised in its entirety in October 2002).

Application: Angle Beam Calibration.


Material Thickness
Block Dimensions
1″ or less .750″ x 6″ x 7″
Over 1″ through 2″ 1.50″ x 6″ x 10″
Over 2″ through 4″ 3.00″ x 6″ x 12″
Contains 2 slots: one on each face, and three side drilled holes 1.5″ deep. Diameter of holes is determined by block thickness.
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